Jeditobe2018-07-21 18:42:58
Payment systems
Jeditobe, 2018-07-21 18:42:58

What is the cheapest way to withdraw money from your WebMoney account?

What is the cheapest way to withdraw WebMoney from your account?
Webmoney has a rather confusing website and documentation. So I want to ask experienced people. What is the best way to withdraw money? To a bank card by card number, by bank account number? To some other payment system?
Maybe there is some trick?
I have Tinkov, Sberbank cards, an account and a Yandex.Money card.

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3 answer(s)
ipswitch, 2018-07-21

Monitor the rate on exchangers and look for an exchange.
In 99% of cases it is more profitable and safer than any built-in withdrawal mechanism.

Saboteur, 2018-07-21

The cheapest way is to immediately pay for services with webmoney.
All withdrawals come with decent interest. To change the currency there in general tin.

Cream Leopoldov, 2019-03-10

Patience was enough to dig out only exchangers
and withdrawal through the replenishment of the megaphone balance of an individual.
So far I have used the second one:
the webmoney commission is 0.8% (the absolute minimum seems to be),
and a megaphone bank card (which is Bank Round LLC) is attached to the megaphone balance

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