Roman Volkov2014-10-24 07:09:55
Roman Volkov, 2014-10-24 07:09:55

What is the best way to write a browser-based card game?

I would like to write a game with the functionality of www.spectromancer.com
But I don't know which one is better. Good knowledge of html and css, intermediate js and php.
Would like to know which is better? - Ready to learn new technologies. AngularJs and Ruby on Rails come into view. But I'm not familiar with them yet, so I'm asking for the opinions of knowledgeable people

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2 answer(s)
Eugene Burmakin, 2014-10-24

JS, i.e. Angular as the frontend and something (Rails is a good option) as the backend. In principle, they all made the right choice.

Dmitry, 2014-10-24

If you look in the direction of AngularJS, then why not use the back in the form of node.js, in addition, you can set up a connection via websocket.

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