artsdeep2015-08-04 02:30:35
artsdeep, 2015-08-04 02:30:35

What is the best way to store GeoJson?

What is the best way to store GeoJson data in DB? If you store spatial data in a database, then where is it better to form the GeoJson itself? who has trips?

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1 answer(s)
Stanislav Makarov, 2015-08-04

> What is the best way to store GeoJson data in DB?
Geometry - in the column of the geometric (or geographic, depending on what you need) type, other feature properties - in the columns respectively. type.
> If you store spatial data in a database, then where is it better to form the GeoJson itself?
on the backend when transferring to the frontend, on the frontend - when transferring to the
backend in relational DBMS, and so have already figured out how to work with geometry, then I see no reason to store in GeoJSON. In some Monge - another matter, but not in MySQL. But for transferring GeoJSON geodata, it’s completely fine, and therefore the logical conclusion is where to form what.
In general, a strange question, as if your main task is not to transfer and save the feature itself, but to save GeoJSON.

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