Dmitry2020-11-08 19:49:44
Project management
Dmitry, 2020-11-08 19:49:44

What is the best way to store an ArrayList?

In the application, some progress is stored in an ArrayList, then it needs to be saved. I chose .txt as the simplest, but when loading the saved words, characters like [ ,, are added to them, which makes the list not valid.
SQLite just started to smoke and I don’t understand how to drive List into it. What is the best way to save? If through the database, then please tell me how to implement it. If through a text editor, how to remove extra characters.

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3 answer(s)
Vi, 2016-07-08

Maybe wrike then, a cute design, a lot of lessons, Russian language support
, here is part of the integration

Sergey, 2016-07-11


acwartz, 2020-11-09

Array to JSONArray, JSONArray to String and DB.
When reading, the process is reversed:
A string from the database to a JSONArray, and that one to an array.
If you have a key-value dictionary, then JSONObject will do.
There are multiple classes for json, usually GSON.

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