winser2015-08-05 00:04:13
Computer networks
winser, 2015-08-05 00:04:13

What is the best way to share a folder on servers?

There is a folder with a program that I constantly update and it needs to be uploaded to other servers (on the Internet not via a local network) in order to run it there, I used btsync, but it became paid, some restrictions were introduced by only 10 clients in the free version, tell me what is better to use?
Better, of course, is a free analogue of btsync so that there is no limit on the size of the folder.
If there is no limit on the size of the folder, then tell me that it is better to take dropbox, google drive or something else, you need the fastest synchronization and the ability to set access rights for clients to read only or read and write.

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2 answer(s)
Nazar Mokrinsky, 2015-08-05

You can try ownCloud, put it on your server - and you can load how many disks are enough.
But first you need to be more specific about what you mean by "fast sync", not to say that it is directly reactive in ownCloud.

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-08-05

csync2, aerofs

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