Tsiren Naimanov2016-03-28 16:43:09
Tsiren Naimanov, 2016-03-28 16:43:09

What is the best way to secure a request?

I have one view.
In the same controller there are for example 3 methods.
For example, add, remove, update the number of apples.
What is better to use?
ajax form?
with @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
or a simple request on click controller/action/???
it turns out on one view, I need to file three ajax forms with AntiForgeryToken ()
I read the post https://habrahabr.ru/sandbox/86785/ before writing this question... I need to find out, let's say, that the request
will be more correct
controller / action with the help of this post, so to speak, or sawing an entire form for each request ???

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1 answer(s)
Roman, 2016-03-28

https://habrahabr.ru/sandbox/86785/ maybe this will help, in principle it suits your task. If you work with ajax, then there is an option to make a WebAPI with a Bearer token.
here is an example of how to work with tokens

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