Max Darkleviathan2019-12-16 11:48:09
Max Darkleviathan, 2019-12-16 11:48:09

What is the best way to provide access to a link with a json array to only one or several users?

Please tell me what method is better to close access to a link with a json array and allow data to be collected, for example, having some kind of key?

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2 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2019-12-16

if this is an array of data - store in the database, give by the keys that are in the database in a separate key table, after use the key is erased or marked invalid. In general, it strongly depends on the task, there may be a dozen solutions to your question, each of which is better suited for a particular task.

freeExec, 2019-12-16

Yes, even the implementation of authorization through .htaccess. The problem is usually different, if this is done on the client side, then it will not be difficult for him to find out what needs to be sent to the server in order to get the result.

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