chief2020-01-06 21:14:56
chief, 2020-01-06 21:14:56

What is the best way to organize access to computers behind NAT?

There are:
-VPS with white IP
-Router on OpenWRT at home (dynamic white IP)
-Router on OpenWRT in the village with parents (10.xxx from mobile provider).
Needed: So that you can enter \\Otec-PC on your PC in the explorer and get on your father's laptop in the village.
I know how to assemble OpenWRT. VPN configured only zaborona according to the manual.
Therefore, I don’t really understand how to properly organize the distribution of IP addresses in a virtual network so that everything is resolved by PC names.
I read that Wireguard will be faster than OpenVPN.
Help :)

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3 answer(s)
antonwx, 2020-01-06

Fuck no need to drive traffic through VPS. We put zerotier
and enjoy a direct connection. (in most cases, and since there is one white IP, we open port 9993 on it , and there will always be a direct connection) And no headache - the solution works out of the box

Dimonchik, 2020-01-06

you raise the server on the VPS and connect, you can
start from here

CityCat4, 2020-01-07

So that you can enter on your PC in the explorer \ \ Otec-PC

That's exactly how it may not work out - how does Windows know that OTEC-PC has such and such an IP? Most likely it will turn out like \\192.168.xx (or whatever addresses with openwrt will be distributed there).
And so - quite a normal idea. Both openwrt establish a connection with the VPS, and do not forget about routing.

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