vadimstroganov2015-04-10 10:04:30
vadimstroganov, 2015-04-10 10:04:30

What is the best way to make a website responsive?

Hello! There are 3-5 sites, each with 3000-4000 lines in css.
It is necessary to optimize them for the mobile version (make them adaptive)
Tell me, how best to do this?
At first I thought to connect bootstrap, but they said, but they said that this is not the best solution

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4 answer(s)
Andrey B., 2015-04-10

Handles are the best solution.
As already advised, use preprocessors.
You can take media queries from bootstrap, but no more. If it were written from scratch, it would be another matter, but in your case it would only add crap.

Yuri Yarosh, 2015-04-10

It's complicated here...
It is necessary to fasten the assembly to gulp, using csslint. Preprocessors should be used faster, preferably postcss or stylus, sass/scss are pretty slow. ~4000 is a lot, ~1000-1500 ceiling You need to use relative dimensions, vmin, vmax, and rem, there are normal polyfills for donkeys and iOS7. media-queries there also turn out to be quite specific, but all are derived by formulas and are formatted as a single mixin. One of the main criteria for the quality of markup is the number of divs on the page - people are too drawn to wild bloat, but it’s not for nothing that a cloud of tags was added to html5 to simplify the structuring of content, and for css, two-element selectors are usually enough, which not to inflate CSSOM and simplify rendering. You can test this whole thing in galen and browserstack.
In general, the question of QA in layout is now quite problematic - in the post-Soviet it is almost non-existent, and most often it pops up only in all sorts of foreign lean startups that have money for science-intensive solutions and their analysis.

ummahusla, 2015-04-10

You take Foundation Zurb as a CSS framework, move your project there, change styles and add a couple of classes where grid. You also do all this on SASS and you will have a clean project that works fine on mobile, tablets and desktop.
Everything is written in the documentation from and to, according to forms, navigation, tabs, and generally sliders, anything.
Personally, I switched to foundation 3-4 months ago when I got a new job. Previously sawed everything on Bootstrap.
As for the one who writes, they drank with their pens. Brad, everything has already been done for us so that a programmer can make a template in a couple of hours, almost for a project of any level of complexity.
In addition, I don’t know who told you that Bootstrap is not the best solution, but it’s a CSS framework, half a day of work, and your project already works on all devices, and you don’t have to write a bunch of unnecessary lines of code yourself.
If I were in your place, I would think very much ..

zooks, 2015-04-10

Reverse all elements again using the old styles.

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