fantazerno2020-10-05 18:44:40
fantazerno, 2020-10-05 18:44:40

What is the best way to implement modal windows in VUE?

There is a large list of modal windows with different content (not template ones).
How best to implement their call.

<button @click="showModal('reg')"></button>


I can’t figure out how to toggle the visibility of windows, attaching a visibility value to each window in data looks strange.

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1 answer(s)
Anton Anton, 2020-10-05

Make self-sufficient components that will open the necessary windows, containing the state of the window, like this:


      @click="show = true"

    <q-dialog v-model="show">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum repellendus sit voluptate voluptas eveniet porro. Rerum blanditiis perferendis totam, ea at omnis vel numquam exercitationem aut, natus minima, porro labore.
            @click="show = false"


export default {
  inheritAttrs: false,
  data () {
    return {
      show: false


Naturally, instead of q-dialog in this case, there can be any ready-made component. And the showModal('reg') approach leads to noodles in the code
. In the case of v-for, it's best to embed the component on each line, rather than forwarding the current line to the "common" list of components.

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