mygazztop2020-05-20 12:13:46
Code editor
mygazztop, 2020-05-20 12:13:46

What is the best unity editor?

Please tell me light code editors for the unit under c#. I use VS 2019, but I began to notice that performance specifically drops with it, especially since the laptop is 10 years old, not new. I have to use notepad ++, where there is no autocomplete, no normal highlighting (
In general, we need such a light editor so that the RAM eats little and that there is syntax highlighting along with autocomplete and other features that are in VS

PS I have windows

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2 answer(s)
mopsicus, 2020-05-20

VS Code, Sublime

Kot Kotov, 2020-05-20

Atom and download unity auto complete on it

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