Ferscalone2019-04-05 22:19:29
IT education
Ferscalone, 2019-04-05 22:19:29

What is the best thing to learn first?

I am a 7th grade student.
I am engaged in Olympiad mathematics (I try to go ahead in school with textbooks in PDF) and computer science.
In general, I study the pros (they are the best at the olympiads), I know Python a little bit.
Someone tells me to learn Mathematics first, someone else learn algorithms and data structures, and others learn programming.
I got into the algorithms and into their release, I did not understand anything.
What to learn first and in what order?
I am able to acquire a plus specialization on Coursera.
For me, the most important thing so far is algorithms and data structures. So that I can already solve problems on Codeforce and other contexts. The main thing for me is to learn how to implement algorithms myself.

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1 answer(s)
grinat, 2019-04-06

If you think that if you memorize all the algorithms, and then you can do everything, then it doesn’t work like that, I don’t remember a single one at all)), but that doesn’t bother me. Based on what you described, your main problem is that you do not know any language, write some thread of Tetris, and then drill your algorithms, at least you can understand the implementation. Well, if you want to earn a living by doing this, then learn the patterns.

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