globuser2016-05-30 21:08:35
User interface
globuser, 2016-05-30 21:08:35

What is the best computer to buy for a novice mobile interface designer?

A colleague decided to change jobs.
Wants to update the equipment, namely the computer.
Works in the field of design, recently delved into the development of mobile interfaces.
The main tool is products from Adobe.
Worked mostly under Windows.
What would you advise to buy a new computer - mac pro or PC.
Considering that at the beginning of work after changing the computer, you will still have to work on pirated software, namely graphics packages (the same package Adobe = Ph + Is + In + etc ..., Sketch, ...).
Of course, the price for a mac pro is on average twice as much as a similar option on a PC.
Well, the pluses in iOS are probably only in using Sketch, everything else is there.
But he can take a large computer and put a virtual machine and iOS and the same Sketch there.
On the other hand, Adobe is also preparing to release its own UX tool.
Perhaps Sketch will someday be released for Windows ....
Who can advise what? How important is Sketch in practice? Well, in general, according to the choice of platform, for the designer - is it MAC or PC, or is Mac just a tribute to the traditions of the West? Does the MAC allow you to connect two or three monitors at all? A designer needs...

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4 answer(s)
goandkill, 2016-05-30

A happy person is your novice designer, if a poppy pro is considered as an option for him.
And at the same time, strange companies that can afford a mac pro but don't buy licensed software
Sketch, by the way, costs only $99 and will replace the entire adobe kit you mentioned. Really replace.
This is not a fashion trend, but an informed choice.
Adobe, of course, will continue to push the masses, but a huge layer of professionals have moved from their products to newer and more specialized ones (Sketch for interface solutions, affinity for drawing, framer for prototypes [and all these are poppy products]).
Я не яблокофил, уютно чувствую себя и на винде (там, например, мне гораздо удобнее работать с папками и файлами), но мак для работы гораздо приятнее, стабильнее и надежнее.

John Smith, 2016-05-30

Мак, конечно, позволяет подключить несколько мониторов. Он замечательный, красивый, и пушистый. Сам пользовался. Но использование MacOS требует смены парадигмы, и с непривычки эффективность упадет. У кого-то она восстанавливается и далее растет, у кого-то - нет. Лично мне просто не понравился опыт, но это строго индивидуально.
Учитывая, что макось можно запустить почти где угодно, рекомендую сначала попробовать ее саму по себе. Вообще покупать их десктопное железо смысла особого не вижу, разве что из эстетических соображений - за те же деньги можно собрать железку гораздо круче, и запустить на ней любую ось. Вот среди ноутов есть некий смысл брать яблочное железо, у него неплохое качество и сопоставимая с аналогами такого же качества цена.

Super User, 2016-05-30

In general, you can put Windows on a poppy . I somehow did before that Windows and Macos worked together at the same time. But it was all creepy. Yes, and the efficiency was low because of the hands sharpened under Windows. As a result, he returned to her darling)

MaksimProger54, 2016-06-01

Macintosh is definitely the best option. But if the money is not spread out, then pay attention to the vidyahu and the operative. The better / more memory / more frequency, the better. Prots choose definitely not single-core

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