igorzash2018-07-26 17:24:13
igorzash, 2018-07-26 17:24:13

What is immediate in processor instructions?

I looked at the table of opcodes for RISC processors, and did not understand what kind of miracle it is, immediate (it is also indicated as a hash mark #). Who can explain?

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2 answer(s)
15432, 2018-07-26

Indicates that the operand is explicitly specified in the instruction itself.
For example,
MOV R1, R2 - not immediate, data is taken from R2
MOV R1, #5 - immediate, data (five) is taken directly from the command opcode

Saboteur, 2018-07-26

This is an immediate meaning.
Usually commands operate on values ​​that you can take at an address, which you can take from some register, or directly specified value (immediate)

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