Leo Developer2017-02-25 21:59:26
Leo Developer, 2017-02-25 21:59:26

What is better than Upwork's TimeTracker?

Good evening!
Read how Upwork works. You need to download the program and thus the monitoring is carried out.
It's just very interesting, maybe there is some way to do it differently, without downloading the program?
Guess who figured it out.
Just wondering for myself, is it possible to implement the essence of hourly work differently

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4 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2017-02-25

Do you play charades or work? What does "who thought of what" mean?
Either you get a tracker per hour of work, or a fixed price, or a weekly/monthly rate, which some also consider an hourly rate, like you said the rate is $40 per hour, the customer stupidly buys 30-40 hours a week from you, as a result he pays 1200 -1600 per week, as agreed. What else can you think of?
If you have something to hide or cheat, then it’s better not to even start, it will be revealed anyway, banned to the very tomatoes.

xmoonlight, 2017-02-25

1. www.timesnapper.com/index.aspx
2. Chronolapse

Puma Thailand, 2017-02-27

there is a tugle, there is a hubstaff,
you can just beat the time with your hands on the upwork

ZERGE, 2017-03-02

Yuzayu Upwork tracker. Why look for another?

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