Alexander2016-11-13 19:24:05
Alexander, 2016-11-13 19:24:05

What is a cheap service for sending SMS?

Tell me, a cheap SMS provider to send authorization codes to the user's phone ...
A prerequisite, some kind of API ... Thank you ...

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2 answer(s)
Rurik Rostislavich, 2016-11-13


SigmaSMS, 2016-11-16

I can offer our service. Until the end of the year, you can order a newsletter with a tariff of 1 ruble per SMS (regardless of volume). Promotion conditions here - https://sigmasms.ru/po_rublyu_za_sms/ (If the volume is more than 30,000 sms, then there are a number of favorable tariffs: https://sigmasms.ru/#tarifs )
There is API integration for all major protocols (HTPP, XML, SOAP, SMTP, SMPP) + ready-made modules for a number of CRM. Details here: https://sigmasms.ru/api/

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