Andrei Smirnov2016-01-22 10:55:32
C++ / C#
Andrei Smirnov, 2016-01-22 10:55:32

What interesting NuGet packages do you use?

I am writing a review article about NuGet and decided to also talk about some little-known, but interesting or promising packages that few people know about, but which could be useful to .NET developers.
Something like the "NuGet Package of The Week" section that Mr. Hanselman posts on his blog:
Thanks in advance!
UPD: Link to article: www.toptal.com/dot-net/tips-and-practices

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6 answer(s)
Stanislav Makarov, 2016-01-22

Indeed, there is not much point in talking about popular packages like EF or highly specialized ones, I decided to go through my projects and choose something unusual or not well-known, which I liked to use:
If I remember anything else during the day, I'll add it.

Pavel Elizariev, 2016-01-22

It all depends on the task. My packages for vNext development: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a0aaa05d84e814dd2ea9. Of these, you can talk about vNext itself, about Lucene, about ImageProcessor, about HangFire, about EntityFramework.

Artem Voronov, 2016-01-22

I think the popularity of packages depends primarily on the tasks they solve. If the task is specific for a narrow circle of people, then there will be little information about the package that solves it.
Well, I can name such packages: ServiceStack, ServiceStack.OrmLite, MvvmCross, PushSharp

Andrei Smirnov, 2016-02-16

Подборку наконец опубликовали, читаем, комментируем.
Спасибо всем за наводки!

RouR, 2016-01-28

Autofac - для DI, почти во всех проектах

Георгий Григорьев, 2016-01-28

Costura.Fody - пакет для встраивания всяких разных ресурсов в exe

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