Mark2014-07-17 01:50:26
Mark, 2014-07-17 01:50:26

What interactive lectures on programming can you recommend?

There are many Internet platforms for learning, on some I saw such lessons where projects are made that are not ashamed to be added to the portfolio later. Maybe you know where to dig up a couple of such resources? Preferably with a description of the projects and technologies they teach.
Thank you.

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3 answer(s)
Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2014-07-17

A bit of sarcasm:
"What interactive lectures on working with a hammer can you advise?
There are many platforms for learning, on some I saw such lessons where things are done that are not ashamed to put on the shelf. Maybe you know where to dig up a couple of such lessons? Preferably with a description of the product and the technologies they teach.
Thank you."
You cannot teach how to work with a hammer with the help of any course.
If you want to learn, go ahead and do something. That is, select an existing project and try to repeat it, methodically solving one problem after another. This will be real learning.
And all these lessons are just a waste of your time.

Yuri Lobanov, 2014-07-17

Given the specifics of your question, the most logical answer would be: "Try to search for something on the Internet."

CaptainVlad, 2014-07-21

You can find the best programming courses here courses.tutsplus.com/topics/code/courses. I myself worked there, though I studied layout, but this is not the essence of it. But only they are paid and in English.

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