Rendorf2012-07-25 14:33:33
Professional Certification
Rendorf, 2012-07-25 14:33:33

What high-class certifications for an IT specialist do you know?

For Java programmers there is OCM Java Enterprise Architect or SCEA
For CISCO-vtsev - CCIE
For database administrators - the corresponding OCM
Microsoft has similar certificates.
What other high-class certificates are there?
Thank you very much in advance.

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4 answer(s)
fkvf, 2012-07-25

Red Hat Certification
More specifically Red Hat Certified Architect

Sergey, 2012-07-25

For cybersecurity specialists, there is the classic trio of CISSP, CISA, CISM, well, maybe CEH.

EGarbuzov, 2012-07-25

There is also VMware Certified Design Expert ( VCDX ).

Sk1f3r, 2012-10-08

The highest level of Cisco certification is Cisco Certified Architect ( CCAr )

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