NataliaCh2020-05-28 09:54:29
NataliaCh, 2020-05-28 09:54:29

What headphones to choose to not hear anyone in an open space office?

13 people. Programmers, analysts, methodologists...all in one heap. Constantly discussing, talking on the phone. In general, the market-station. It is extremely difficult to concentrate. Sometimes it works, more often it doesn't. Efficiency is extremely low in such conditions.
Someone listens to music to "interrupt". I can't, I need silence.
As a result, I want to try headphones with good noise isolation. So that you can sit comfortably in them for several hours. It is desirable that they also have audio. But not necessarily. It is more important to thoroughly muffle the chatter around. Suggest something. tested in a similar situation.

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2 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2020-05-28

AirPods Pro. And the noise reduction is good, and they do not put pressure on the ears, and the sound is nothing for the office.

Dmitry Bay, 2020-05-28

I will join the answer - airpods pro.
They cut off the general noise well, but they spoil it with firmware. The very first was the top and cut off everything.
I've been using them for six months now and I'm 95% satisfied.
When I sat with an open window in the center of Novosibirsk, I used a bundle - good plugs, and on top of the Beyerdynamic dt 770 pro. Since the work was connected with sound. The sound in the plugs was obtained without noise.

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