SuperPaintma2013-12-11 21:59:56
Raspberry Pi
SuperPaintma, 2013-12-11 21:59:56

What game servers can be hosted on the Raspberry Pi?

What game servers can be hosted on Raspberry Pi (B model | 512 Ram)?
Will "Raspberry" be suitable for:
* CSS (CS: GO)
* HF2
* TF 2
* Minecraft
* Terraria
* CC13
And what else will it pull?

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2 answer(s)
Michael Danilov, 2013-12-12

Can I host a Minecraft Server? says that

You can host a maximum of: 6 Players at the same time, plus yourself
You don't have enough RAM in your system to cope with storing data for more than 6 people at the same time.
You're probably better off renting a server instead to have a decent experience.

And that's just Minecraft.

Boleg2, 2013-12-11

Something tells me that even the old Soldat soldat.pl will not take off properly on it, and you are talking about cool shooters =)
And I have not heard about such compiled packages for ARM, not to mention sharpening for RPi.
And Terraria, in particular, does not seem to have a linux server?
I feel that you have a clear fundamental misunderstanding of how it all works.
Buy yourself a minimal VPS somewhere in Europe for $5-10/month, there will be many times more sense for raising a game server :)

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