Dmitry2015-10-24 10:47:07
Dmitry, 2015-10-24 10:47:07

What game engine do you recommend for a beginner?

The meaning of the game will be turn-based firing of guns in a different way. Area 10x10 or more. Getting points and new weapons. Weapons transfer.
I have not written anything for adnroid yet and now I want to start with this game.
My first thought was to write chess, but then the question of AI let me down a bit and I decided to start with a step-by-step game right away. where AI will not be needed, because the battles will take place against each other.
At the moment, a lot of different questions and one of the first, which engine is better to use?
I have already read many articles and most of them praise UNITY. However. right there, questions rained down on me: is it paid? Yes, and very expensive. What can you recommend?
I have a sketch of the game only on paper, I will soon give it to the designer.

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Demidov, 2015-10-24

Unity has paid and free versions ( comparison ). What is not in the free version, what do you need for the first game?
Do not want unity - take any other. Thousands of them.
UPD: Since the language is js, then look in the direction of Cocos2d
In the unit, some kind of js dialect is used and then it is still translated into c-sharp.

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