Rumpumpel3332021-11-28 13:13:33
Database design
Rumpumpel333, 2021-11-28 13:13:33

What frameworks to use for a client-server application?

I am looking for advice on which frameworks and technologies to build a small solution for production management. The essence of the solution is to issue tasks for workers in the shop and control their implementation. Inside the solution, the manager creates projects and distributes tasks among workers, workers see the order of tasks through their interface and have the opportunity to change its status (started/completed). The main criterion is simplicity and convenience for workers, I assume a web interface directly over IP in the browser of a worker's smartphone. Security is not important, because the production is small, and the solution will work in the local WLAN.
Need advice on how to raise the server, how to organize the database and how to organize user access.

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2021-11-28

As in hundreds of similar questions, the answer here is the same - you need to use those technologies that you know and that solve the described problem. Almost anything is suitable for the second point, so focus on the first.

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