Andrew_Holmes2013-12-16 02:39:59
Andrew_Holmes, 2013-12-16 02:39:59

What does the model look like when developing a GUI with Swing?

I am developing a GUI for a console application written in Java. I am using Swing. I have a couple of tables on the main window. Swing already has models for them. What should my own model look like in this case, which implements all the logic and which needs data from table models (lists and other things)? Should my model encapsulate all used models, or are there other, more concise approaches?

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1 answer(s)
Ilya, 2013-12-16

Your model should be absolutely indifferent to who / what it will use! So the task of linking M and V needs to be thrown off to C ! Well, as they say IMHO, and it’s interesting for yourself how to solve this problem after all. Are you experienced guys who have experience in developing this AU template?! everyone is silent, they don’t want to reveal the secret of being ...

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