Super User2015-08-30 18:32:36
Super User, 2015-08-30 18:32:36

What does heapUsed mean in the JSON that process.memoryUsage returns?

I display data from process.memoryUsage() on the page. When the page is refreshed, the value of heapUsed constantly increases, but heapTotal does not change. Hope it's not a memory leak? Please explain what is happening.


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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-08-30

vsize (Virtual Memory Size) - The total amount of memory available to the process (including shared memory, swap, etc.)
rss (Resident Set Size) - how much memory from RAM is available to the process.
heapTotal - how much memory is allocated for the heap
heapUsed - how much memory has already been allocated on the heap
According to your data, it is impossible to judge a memory leak, since not enough memory has been used (heapUsed is much less than heapTotal), perhaps the garbage collector has not yet started.

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