AndreyXXX2019-06-20 22:05:54
IT education
AndreyXXX, 2019-06-20 22:05:54

What direction in programming to choose?

Hello. My daughter is 14 years old, a strong mathematician and physicist. She has a great desire to do programming, but the trouble is, she doesn’t know which direction to choose, she has never done programming, and why she wants to do it, she answers that this is a promising direction and this is the future. I support it, so I ask for your help in advice on where to start.
1.Which language is better?
2. Which direction in programming to choose, which one is more in demand?
3. How to choose the right direction, what should you pay attention to when choosing?
We live in the city of Kaliningrad. Thanks in advance.

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6 answer(s)
longclaps, 2019-06-20

never done programming
This is not the case, once you have to try.
Any functional language, from scheme to haskell, and any other garbage at the university will be stuffed.

sim3x, 2019-06-20

1.Which language is better?
English + German
2. Which direction in programming to choose, which one is more in demand?
any math heavy
Direction - west
3. How to choose the right direction, what should you pay attention to when choosing?
what she likes . Even if it seems to you that they don’t pay for it and you don’t like it at all.
What language, in what environment should you start teaching a child programming for 10 years?

Vladimir Proskurin, 2019-06-20

Well, it’s impossible to say which direction will be promising in +4 years, when your daughter grows up. It is strange that a child at this age thinks not about what is interesting, but about what is promising, I don’t know if this is good or bad. Let her learn the base, algorithms, mathematics, etc., in which case she will not be tied to any area, and will be able to easily choose the sub-area that is more interesting in the future.

Alexander Skusnov, 2019-06-21

You can start with Python, but by the time you graduate from school it would be nice to switch to MatLab.

rPman, 2019-06-20

I agree with everyone who answered here, but if you still need a direction that is relevant now and which may be in favor in the near future, then these are data mining, big data, machine learning and their other surroundings.

vinni_pux, 2019-06-21

I have a programming school for children and I can say that:
1. Let him try to start at least with something, it can be sites with HTML, CSS and then JavaScript. You can start with Python - it is considered one of the best languages ​​to learn programming for a reason.
2. You need to look at her interest, languages ​​​​and their relevance are changing quickly.
3. Don't start with C, C#, C++ - spend more time learning the features of the language itself, rather than creating programs.
4. And she has two tasks now:
- to understand if she is interested in it;
- Learn to learn on your own without any help.
5. And yes - learn English.

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