RepkaM2019-06-14 03:22:42
IT education
RepkaM, 2019-06-14 03:22:42

What courses to choose for training as a Data analyst/Data scientist from scratch?

The reins fell under the tail. I want to become a true Data Analyst/Data Scientist in a year (fraud analytics is most interesting). From scratch, no basic technical education.
Please tell me which courses are better to choose to start with (only Russian-speaking ones)?
Still need work to pay for courses and subsistence. Ideally in the direction of interest. Maybe there are startups here who are ready to take on the team? Excel is an advanced user. I can write Sql queries, Python - no boom boom. E-marketing a little bit of everything (market, smm (only fb and vk), seo basics, context, targeting, analytics).
html/css will read, js and php - no.
Former bank analyst (10 years in the bank). Then low-rise construction / landscape / interior.
Then a freelancer/small entrepreneur. buy/sell. Broad general outlook.
[email protected]

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5 answer(s)
Vladimir Olohtonov, 2019-06-14

A data scientist is a full-fledged developer with a penchant for research, backed up by knowledge of statistics and ML. Don’t roll in for a year, I would bet 5 years on it.
You can start with the Machine Learning and Data Science Specialization on Coursera.
PS: without the ability to at least read in English, there is nothing to do in this profession.

dmshar, 2019-06-14

Lord, thank God that it never occurs to anyone to write "I got the reins under the tail. I want to become a real surgeon / cardiologist in a year (I am most interested in heart transplant operations). From scratch, there is no basic medical education.
And Nitsche, that in order to become a specialist in ANY field, you need to spend 10,000 hours . Okay, let you be a supertalent and you need not 10K, let it be half as much - 5K. At the rate of 8 hours every day, five days a week, this is already 120 weeks, i.e. almost two and a half years. Are you ready to spend so much besides "work to pay for courses and food"?
However, of course, now you will be advised here super-duper books, videos and courses. Well, forward to the dream. Only when you realize that life is not a commercial, but time and money - spent almost in vain - do not say that you were not warned.

ArthurAm, 2019-06-14

How about math? Statistics, ter.verom, matan? It is still desirable to master econometrics.
Programming in data science is more of an applied value.
You can try to break through here https://yandexdataschool.ru/

LaserTower, 2019-06-14

I would like to join you, alone is too difficult. How to contact you?

Vyacheslav Abramov, 2019-06-15

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