tornado222018-03-03 15:32:06
tornado22, 2018-03-03 15:32:06

What could be an alternative to win AD for a hybrid park?

Good afternoon. Transition from screw AD on linuksovy is necessary. But do not rush to immediately send me to samba and generally scold me for bringing up the topic with a long beard, everything is somewhat more complicated.
The picture is like this. There is an abra cadabra user wine park. The fourth part of this park spins on purchased wines 10 home. The rest is all pirated in different editions - from xp to the same dozen.
The task is to organize the management of roles, policies and everything else that Windows AD can do on free software on servers, and remove all piracy on user machines. Already purchased wines 10 home will be in operation. Instead of pirates at the station, I don’t know what else to put, I’m looking towards the domestic astra, well, maybe xubuntu, well, or maybe elementary os, well, this is not the most important thing yet. We need something with a very similar interface to wines, because users will go to war.
The most important thing is to find an alternative to AD that has its own client for windows. You need this to connect the existing win10 home. As you know, this edition of the OS does not support joining an AD domain.
So far I'm looking in the direction of freeIPA, but there don't seem to be such clients there, or I'm not paying attention.
Thanks in advance to all who responded.

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