Printip2016-12-19 18:43:26
mobile connection
Printip, 2016-12-19 18:43:26

What consumes more electricity 3G or 4G?

Which technology consumes more electricity 3G usb modem or 4G usb modem?

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3 answer(s)
Cool Admin, 2016-12-19

Second. There's a feature of frequencies or a type of that. I won't tell you the exact order. It manifests itself very strongly when the signal strength is poor and you need to constantly search for a network (it takes more energy to search for 4-ki).
For example, an iPhone, with 4G turned off, works almost one and a half times more.
Maybe some engineers will come and answer more specifically.

ipswitch, 2016-12-19

On the vast majority of mobile devices, 4G is very battery hungry. It is enough to turn off 4G in the settings - and the device lives on battery much longer.

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