Vetal Matitskiy2015-04-30 11:22:19
Vetal Matitskiy, 2015-04-30 11:22:19

What comes first when developing a java application: a database or an entity?

Good afternoon, dear Java gurus
, please tell me which practice is more popular / correct? When is a set of java entities generated from a ready-made database structure, or when developers initially write all java entities by hand, and then spring / hibernate generates a database structure based on them?

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4 answer(s)
Power, 2015-04-30

Both are primary. It is necessary to design entities and base at the same time. For it is with entities that you work in code, so they should be convenient; but you also need to think about their representation in the database so that an inefficient solution does not turn out.
Personally, I first describe the entities in the code, then I run the database schema generator on them and check the result. If everything suits me - OK, if not, I correct the entities, file the annotations and repeat the process.

SaertiS, 2015-04-30

In smart books, they still recommend starting from the base, and not from auto generators from various ORMs. But no one can stop you, of course.

sim3x, 2015-04-30

the faster the software is created, the better

Eugene, 2015-04-30

In general, I’m probably a “village” in these matters, because I first describe the database, then I describe the entity in the code with my hands, no one generates anything for me. And rightly so, I think.

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