SexyMonkey2016-11-04 13:10:32
SexyMonkey, 2016-11-04 13:10:32

What CMS to choose for a site with a personal user account?

The functionality is as follows: a personal account of several types for different types of users. The ability to add entries from the personal account and edit your profile page. Admin panel that allows you to change all the data entered by users. The site is conditionally similar to a freelance exchange. Of course, ideally this should be written in a framework, but at this stage it is too labor-intensive. What CMS can solve these problems out of the box or with the help of ready-made modules, at least partially? Priority to common CMS.

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3 answer(s)
Ivan Sergeev, 2016-11-04

Joomla + Community Builder

xmoonlight, 2016-11-04

Joomla! + Finished on her framework.

Vitaliy Orlov, 2016-11-04

wordpress + google "wordpress freelance (plugin|theme|functionality)"

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