Chaly952019-09-29 10:48:26
Chaly95, 2019-09-29 10:48:26

What causes an Internal server error when trying to send a POST via CURL to pay in installments from Privat Bank?

When you try to make a Post request, an Internal server error occurs.
I send a post request using curl to receive a token for payment in installments from Privat Bank.
Here is the code created based on Api https://bw.gitbooks.io/api-oc/content/pay.html
Here is an example of using https://payparts2.privatbank.ua/ipp/sandbox#!create
Here is my code:

$curl = curl_init('https://payparts2.privatbank.ua/ipp/v2/payment/create');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
        'storeId' => '4AAD1369CF734B64B70F',
        'orderId' => '12211212121',
        'amount' => 2,
        'partsCount' => 5,
        'merchantType' => 'PP',
        'scheme' => 1111,
        'products' => array(
                'name' => 'test',
                'count' => 1,
                'price' => 2
        'recipientId'=> 'qwerty1234',
        'responseUrl'=> 'https://adsasd',
        'redirectUrl'=> 'https://saddsa',
    'signature' => base64_encode ( SHA1 ( '75bef16bfdce4d0e9c0ad5a19b9940df'.'4AAD1369CF734B64B70F'.'12211212121'.' 200'.' 5'.' PP'.'https://adsasd'.'https://saddsa'.' test1200'.' 75bef16bfdce4d0e9c0ad5a19b9940df' ))
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json','Accept-Encoding: UTF-8','Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
//execute curl
$response = curl_exec($curl);

//get execute result
$curl_errno = curl_errno($curl);
$curl_error = curl_error($curl);
$aInfo = @curl_getinfo($curl);
//close curl

$response =  json_decode($response,true);

I can’t understand why, when requesting to the private bank sandbox, everything works, but when sending from my server, an Internal server error occurs.
My script on the server https://wp.pipl.ua/test.php.
I would be grateful for any help!

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Nikolaev, 2019-09-29

The minimum amount is 300, so you have 2.
Next, do you want 2 to be divided by 5 in some way?
Do I understand correctly that you want the user to make 5 transactions of 40 kopecks each?
In addition, you also have an error in the signature:
If you look carefully, you have spaces before 200, 5 and PP.
Further: you have a 'recipientId' parameter that you pass, but it is missing in the hash sum, but according to the rules it should be. Either remove or add to the formation.
Do what you need and get another error:

    [orderId] => 12211212121
    [signature] => +JYghcAp9oIQq3xR/Zn1PftEvQ8=
    [state] => FAIL
    [message] => bad value: Scheme not found for given store
    [storeId] => 4AAD1369CF734B64B70F

But this is all because scheme is a Scheme Identifier. Allocated by the Bank. Not transmitted by default.
You delete it and you get the coveted:
    [orderId] => 12211212121
    [signature] => S4cN/oBUIIJeHlcJgTTM+gcZddQ=
    [state] => FAIL
    [message] => bad value: Payment with sent orderId already exists
    [storeId] => 4AAD1369CF734B64B70F

And this is because someone has already run your request through api or through a web face. You change the orderid and get the coveted:
    [orderId] => fdsa1
    [signature] => x2m4GaLFv3ptcxZLynRzwuy/t5g=
    [token] => ADFEDB2FB0C7485CB968148D4BFD6B5A
    [state] => SUCCESS
    [storeId] => 4AAD1369CF734B64B70F

Randewoo, 2019-09-29

You crash their server.
500 Internal Server Error is purely a server error, it cannot process your request.

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