Ingerniated2016-12-12 13:11:38
Ingerniated, 2016-12-12 13:11:38

What can you say about STM microcontrollers?

Recently, there was a fight for the choice of spade or mega, and then it suddenly turned out that there is also stm and, it seems, they are praising it.
Who has had experience with several microcontroller companies, can you advise whether it is worth choosing STM?

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4 answer(s)
evgeniy_lm, 2016-12-12

Let's just say that for those who fight for PIC or Atmel (ATmaga is a small part of their MK range) it is better to play Lego NXT. When the sverblyka passes, you can try the Arduino. Later, when you understand what a microcontroller is and what it is eaten with, then you can take on PIC, Atmel, STM or any other MK, depending on the task

ks0, 2016-12-13

Above the level is stm32, not stm8. And stm8 = pic = avr.
stm32 is higher, it is higher, but as they say "you can't just take it and blink the LED on stm". It's even more difficult. And is it worth bothering with him is the question. The manufacturer, trying to simplify the use of its rich peripherals, either starts promoting the SPL library, then abandons it and promotes CubeMX, then rushes somewhere else, I don’t even follow. And as a result, the level of abstraction does not increase, and at the same time, a huge redundant code is generated, in which the devil will break his leg.
In short, if there are enough AVR resources for the task, I personally prefer the AVR and will not even look at the STM32. And if it is not enough and you need 32 bits and an ARM kernel, then I'd better use PSoC from Cypress. There are even more opportunities than the STM32, while the entry threshold is much lower. Well, the MK is in a case large enough for home use.
For your own task, any MK will do. More problems will not be with logic, but with the correct design and layout of the board to make the MK work stably.

LampTester, 2017-01-12

The STM32 is worth choosing if you already know what it is and/or have a reason to choose it. The only thing I can say is that this architecture is not suitable for initial training in working with controllers, partly because of the higher complexity, partly because of the STMicroelectronics policy, which was already mentioned above.
Otherwise, these are the same controllers as all the others, and their applicability in each case is determined by the degree of compliance of their capabilities with the terms of reference.

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