Alexander2017-06-12 16:43:58
Alexander, 2017-06-12 16:43:58

What can Windows 10 record?

The system is installed on an SSD. From time to time, the System process writes something at a speed of 100-250 mb / s (it varies). What can the system record?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Nikolaev, 2017-06-12

1 - indexing (cut down nafig, the first thing you need to cut down from the tire if the search is used less than once an hour)
2 - writes a pack of data that will be sent in about twenty minutes, it's impossible to get rid
of 3 - superfetch, the only good thing
4 - maybe that- then downloads

Sergey Ryzhkin, 2017-06-13

Stop the Windows Update service and check. I had this a couple of times, extinguished the service and the work returned to normal.

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