le1872017-05-19 14:01:35
le187, 2017-05-19 14:01:35

What books or articles are there to develop critical thinking?

I consider people with critical thinking quite successful in many areas. Can anyone share their personal experience or opinion on this?

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15 answer(s)
Foo Bar, 2017-05-19

Harry Potter and the methods of rational thinking
The same author has separate articles on the methods of rational thinking.
I will supplement the answer, the author's articles are located at: lesswrong.ru

Erelecano Oioraen, 2017-05-19

Dawkins "God as an illusion" is an example of critical thinking in relation to the fairy tales of ancient sheep breeders now being planted in the Russian Federation.

tereh, 2017-05-20

Try to divide the question about critical thinking into 3 parts:
1) Making a decision
In books on this topic, you will learn how to analyze ideas from different angles. Learn to turn off your inner voice (feelings in your stomach) and switch to logic.
2) Trust in the source of the idea
Stick to House's "everyone lies" rule.
They lie for various reasons:
- for their own benefit
- they are deluded
- they were deceived
- they do not pay attention to important factors
- they read advertising articles or fake reviews
- they do not know about the existence of other opportunities
You can check on your own experience. But why waste time if there is only one conclusion - you need to think on your own and check the source of information?
Remember: now there are many trainings where they teach to exchange good relationships and friendship for money and gifts.
3) Negotiations
Before agreeing to anything, discuss all the conditions, all options for the development of events, ask uncomfortable questions, get a clear and specific answer to obvious questions.
Remember: Now there are many trainings where they teach to lie with the help of understatement.
And also remember these moments:
1) Are you in complete control of the situation?
2) It is fashionable in culture to earn a lot of money, but not to work.
3) Lies are not condemned by society if it brings money (even stealing from strangers is not condemned)
4) The horse plows, the peacock admires himself. Useful ideas come from those who are focused on work.
5) Among successful people there are psychopaths and border guards who believe in their idea and convince others. A psychopath thinks only about his own interests - it is impossible to agree with him (neither logic nor emotions work).
6) It is indirectly possible to predict the future behavior of a person by his family life or relationships with other people.

Denis Fedorets, 2017-05-19

Vadim Makishvili. The Big Book of Manipulation.
Analysis and recognition of manipulative attacks that are aimed at people in our time.
Vadim is known for his video "36".

Andrey Amsteady, 2017-05-20

I'll let you in on a secret: there is no "method", no book, no advice. Need critical thinking? Just think critically.
If you understand this, you can save a lot of time. I guarantee.

zooks, 2017-05-20

Funny. Critical thinking develops throughout life. It goes hand in hand with observation.
Without any experience behind them, critical thinking will turn into suspiciousness.

kstyle, 2017-05-19

Take a philosophical work, read it, analyze it. Then find the criticism and deal with it.
For example, the work of I.A. Ilyin On resistance to evil by force
or A. Kuraev Dispute with an atheist
In general, the message itself is not correct - to develop critical thinking in order to be successful. Then read all sorts of Tracy, not serious works.

Yuri, 2017-05-20

the main problem of the lack of critical thinking is excessive faith in authorities.
the second is the lack of diverse information about the phenomenon.
I recommend starting with the book:
Itzhak Adizes - Reflections on Personal Development

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-05-20

Just don't believe everything you're told. Take it as a constant that most people are idiots and shouldn't be listened to. Listen to those who have achieved something in the field related to the issue. If your dad is a successful politician, don't listen to his advice on building a house. Although why would you build a house yourself if dad is a successful politician?

Raphael™, 2017-05-20

formulaic thinking detected))
there is no critical thinking - there is thinking of a critic
anyone who is not capable of being a critic cannot, in principle, think like a critic,
however, each person must be able to evaluate and make decisions,
but not everyone can perform a public function A critic
, therefore, the question is: how to be a critic
is obvious - you need to have a broad outlook and deep knowledge
, this is not given to everyone,
see my article about the seven main roles in society -
there a critic is a synonym: judge, appraiser, investigator ...
this requires special talent + knowledge + experience

Vapaamies, 2017-05-21

There is a theory that says that only a small percentage of people can think logically, the rest think in a stereotyped way - reflexoids . It may seem controversial, but there is something in it.

asd111, 2017-05-20

Methods of educational work, criminology, genetics.
In general, the most successful people are not people with critical thinking, but people with good genes who grew up in good conditions. For example, a muscular guy with normal blood pressure and not repulsive appearance, born in a family where both parents have higher education, is more likely to achieve more in life than a thin guy with low blood pressure and repulsive appearance, born in a family where both parents have secondary education.
In general, success in life depends most of all on genes and on the environment in which a person grew up.

Anatoly Scherbakov, 2017-05-23

I don't think it's worth doing it separately. Maybe you should just read more good scientific/popular science literature? And he will broaden his horizons, and show with many examples how the scientific method works. Well, for example:

  • K. Yu. Eskov. History of the Earth and life on it; his own - lecture notes and even art books (The Last Ring-bearer; Gospel of Aphranius)
  • A. V. Markov. Human Evolution (in two volumes); The birth of complexity; The theory of evolution in the light of new discoveries; numerous lectures, including a course in evolution at the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
  • Any, in fact, books with signature stamps of the Dynasty Foundation or the Evolution Foundation, which suit your interests

Alexander, 2017-05-25

Kara-Murza, he has several books. "Manipulation of consciousness", etc.

pestilent, 2017-05-26

Kahneman, to whom the same Yudkowsky often refers.
It would be nice to develop logical and mathematical thinking: all sorts of puzzles with a trick are good training, they teach you not to rush to conclusions.
And always remember that knowledge of cognitive distortions in itself does not get rid of them, on the contrary, with its help, you can confuse yourself even more.

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