dayz7772014-10-23 19:09:23
dayz777, 2014-10-23 19:09:23

What books can you read on JavaEE web application development?

I just can't find good examples of web application code on the Internet. Maybe there are textbooks?

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Fedorenko, 2014-10-23

What experience do you have in programming? And what exactly do you want to develop in JavaEE?
------------ UPDATE --------
Toda suggest you not to bother with books much) And to adopt JSF is if you want to write Java interfaces closer in style to HTML, or if desktop development is closer to you, then GWT. These are frameworks for rendering web interfaces (according to the MVC pattern).
Next, you need either ejb (spec) or spring (open) - on which the server components will be implemented.
Next is the layer of work with the database, the classic - jdbc (also look at the spring) or a more modern JPA - hibernate or some other implementation.
Also look at web services - soap - rest, then don't forget the security (I also recommend looking at the spring)
In general, I think if you are experienced enough (in my understanding) you no longer need books - you can flip through the spec.
Ohhh while I wrote everything I remembered!
Here is an excellent and fully disclosed jee topic:
docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc I
strongly recommend this tutorial (by the way, there is a translation on the net)

Vildan, 2014-10-24


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