Veniamin Smirnov2016-01-10 12:25:08
Veniamin Smirnov, 2016-01-10 12:25:08

What are the rules for good design?

Not so long ago I have been developing designs for websites and periodically communicate with layout designers.
Often, some express their “fi” about the design and arrangement of elements, they say, it’s inconvenient to typeset.
But I want to note that they made up in different ways, and pulled on Bootstrap (these people often complained about the "crooked" design), and made up with the usual block layout (here rarely anyone said something).
I would like to read / find out something about what a good design should be, so that later it can be normally implemented on the layout without sacrificing some points (they cut down the font / image sizes, squeezed the scale, and so on).
Thank you!

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10 answer(s)
xlusv, 2016-01-10

I would recommend trying to make your own layout on your own, for example, on the same bootstrap. Evaluate from your own experience whether there are any shortcomings.
From the rules:
Books and materials

  1. Design for Hackers: Reverse Engineering Beauty - a technical look at design elements
  2. Other UX and web design books on amazon/ozon bestseller lists
  3. behance and dribbble - to analyze best practices
  4. Style Guides: Google Material Design, Modern UI, Apple Human Interface Guidelines, ibm design. Also for the analysis of practices and rules for a specific platform.

Dmitry Bay, 2016-01-10

I remember a very interesting article on this issue popping up on Habré, there are tips for the designer on exactly how to prepare a design for a layout designer. There, in the article, there was a special emphasis on the grid and on the fact that the layout designer immediately saw in the comments the code with which you can do everything in css.
UPD. In, I found an article similar to this one - habrahabr.ru/post/175083
20 "NOT" for web designers
By the way, Sketch 3 tool allows you to create designs that are more pleasing to layout designers.
in the meantime, what I found on Google search
- habrahabr.ru/sandbox/41405
- habrahabr.ru/post/173271
- habrahabr.ru/post/159141
- habrahabr.ru/post/197588
- habrahabr.ru/post/145295

Artem, 2016-01-10

Take a .psd with a bootstrap grid and draw a design so that the main blocks take up an integer number of columns.
If there are many subelements in some element, it can also be divided into 12 equal columns, then similarly.
In general, it is better to read about the basics of layout, then it will be clear what can be implemented and what is difficult.
If you have specific questions, write in the comments, I'm a coder.

Vladimir Yakovlev, 2016-01-10

nothing extra.
any embellishment should be appropriate, an excess, as beginners do, is a sign of bad taste.
that is, any embellishment should be only if you can not do without it.
no importunity, autoplay of sound or video, if they don’t come in for this.
intuitive interface, clear menu.
no need to fantasize to be so original that a person comes in and studies what and where.

Nikita Sigachev, 2016-01-10

As for me, the grafts are very simple.
1. The correct ratio of colors. In order for the design of the site to be pleasant to look at, you can search the Internet for the correct color ratio. In practice, without training, horror will come out.
2. Variety. In the form of a minimalistic decoration of the design and the addition of the familiar to everyone
3. Convenience. Clear and minimalist design. Now it is in vogue.

Cat Anton, 2016-01-10


Andrey Andrievsky, 2016-01-14

I did the typesetting myself and now sometimes I do typesetting, and to be honest, the designer who draws on the grid costs a lot.
By the way, I taught one to draw on a grid layout, and after a month he changed his job with a salary of 3 * (multiply) the previous salary.

kstyle, 2016-01-11

The worse the better

Sergey Eremin, 2016-01-20

Design is a derivative of fashion. If you are not a couturier with a name and a huge reputation resource of your modeling house, then you will not create any fashion in perfumes, fabric colors, hairstyles or anything else. You can do it conveniently, practically, it doesn’t press anywhere - it won’t be called “stylish”, “fashionable”, “designer” .... It remains only to hope that you will come across a customer who, having all the necessary reputational resource, will make your way make it convenient-practical-soft-fashion. But it should be exactly "comfortable-practical-gentle"

Pavel Radkov, 2016-01-24

A little bit of lyrics on the topic of relationship designer-layout paulradzkov.com/2014/designer-superstar

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