JohnSky72020-04-23 17:04:30
JohnSky7, 2020-04-23 17:04:30

What are the requirements for creating an audiobook app?

Good afternoon. I'm sorry if my question seems too noob. I want to create my own audio book android app. Like storytel for example.
I am aware that you need to learn java and kotlin. I am currently learning java.
I want to ask experienced guys if half a year of training is enough to implement such a project? After all, I still don’t know how complicated the backend of such an application is. I understand that when it comes to learning, everything is individual.
And the requirements for each project depend on the degree of its complexity.
But still I want to know the opinion of experienced people.

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2 answer(s)
Daria Motorina, 2020-04-23

I'll tell you from my general development experience.
You need to get to the point of understanding how projects like storytel work. On the surface there are:
- frontend (simple pages)
- frontend, working with audio
- backend, working with audio
- payment system (API connection with payment services, trial and main subscription period)
- search
- recommendation system
- access to listening / reading offline
The presence of a mobile application indicates that the interaction between the back and the front is implemented through the API so that one backend can work uniformly with different frontends.
So you can start with the most understandable parts of the application, gradually moving on to more complex ones - it's easier to read, google and overcome difficulties)

Orkhan, 2020-04-23
Hasanly @azerphoenix

Speaking of backend and web application, we are not talking about Java SE, but about Java EE.
Accordingly, you need to learn Java SE + Java EE.
Next, I recommend choosing a framework for development. For example Spring.
But in fact, all this is not enough ...
You need to learn the SQL language (to work with the database), learn the basics of the web - Html, CSS, JavaScript. It does not fit to study regexp, etc.
Knowing only Java for web development is not enough.

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