Alexander Kurakin2016-03-16 09:35:22
Alexander Kurakin, 2016-03-16 09:35:22

What are the real limits (restrictions) in the Vk API?

And what are the real limitations in the Vk API? About the restriction of three times per second - I know, but for "same-type requests", maybe someone knows what the de facto restrictions are? (And how many bans?)
I trained with wall.getand execute, and now I can’t send wall.get(apparently, a day). At the same time, no matter how much I run groups.getMembersin execute, no ban occurs by this method. Is there any explanation for this?
Thank you.
UPD: I read the documentation, the question is about real experience on those restrictions that are not disclosed.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Sokolov, 2016-03-16

These limits can be changed by VK, and their exact values ​​\u200b\u200bare not disclosed. TP will answer something similar.
The differences in the bath for wall.get()and, groups.getMembers()I would assume, are due to the general statistics of these methods - probably wall.get()now there is a greater load, therefore they are more sensitive to abuse.
You can make requests with the tokens of the accounts that have given permission. In this case, the limit of 3 per second is per token.

Maxim E, 2016-03-16

in TP VK ask this question, they will answer.

yoyoy2, 2016-03-16

from 5 requests per second.

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