phamarel2020-08-19 21:47:34
IT education
phamarel, 2020-08-19 21:47:34

What are the prospects for a Qt/C++ developer?

"Entered IT" through Qt/C++ (before that I was tinkering with pieces of iron in C). Commercial experience for about 7 months: I learned a little "shaming" + there were a few networks + a couple of different modules were written (working with a database, parsing XML, etc.) with a GUI not related. I was forced to get on hh and found that there were somehow not enough vacancies on Qt. I specify questions:

1) Neither STL, nor boost almost I do not use, tk. In Qt, everything is enough now. Does it make sense to delve into them? Is it true that now Qt is being abandoned and is not used anywhere except for creating GUI applications?

2) I began to doubt that I could carry the proud title of a C ++ developer for the following reasons:
a) Age 30 and a frighteningly high complexity of development in the future, as a result - slow growth, if any.
b) Scope: systemic low-level things and game dev are not very much on the list of interests.
Hence the second question: is it worth learning Java with its technologies (or C #) at this stage, or is it better to do it after reaching at least a middle-level of pluses? Can such a transition be very painful, both in terms of a possible acute lack of knowledge and salary (after all, you will have to be a “beginner” again)?

I apologize for some confusion. Thank you for your attention.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-08-20

Is it true that Qt is now being abandoned and is not used anywhere except for creating GUI applications?

This is a strange statement, because Qt is just a GUI library. Is it true that airplanes are now being abandoned and they are no longer used anywhere, except for flights.

Jacob E, 2020-08-19

Forgive me, but summer, clairvoyants are on vacation.
Nobody knows what will happen next with the popularity of Qt. No one knows what success you will achieve if you start learning another language now, and what if later. More or less definitely, we can only say this:
1) There are companies that use only pure Qt, without boost, stl, and C++42 magic.
2) There are more vacancies in web technologies, the entry threshold for them is lower.
3) Qt is used in those areas that it covers with its functionality, but basically it is Embedded with touchscreens.
4) It's up to you how fast you can roll into another language, and how much your level will drop.

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