Puma Thailand2011-10-12 09:06:51
Puma Thailand, 2011-10-12 09:06:51

What are the possibilities of internet statistics and what statistics do you use?

In particular, I consider liveinternet to be a golden fleece , I
use it to show traffic data to advertisers, I use slices to highlight target audiences of interest, I use the
metric for online viewing of the situation, and daily tracking for statistics, I track the effect of advertising campaigns through openstat and Google tags, I track the click map.
I use googleanalytics to track ads on Google
What else do you use and for what purposes, what are the paid or free statistics or features?

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4 answer(s)
Mikhail Lyalin, 2011-10-12

1) the main thing is that the statistics systems themselves correctly count visitors
2) openstat, Yandex and Google are enough

sainnr, 2011-10-12

In addition to the above, there is another interesting thing - Piwik .
Of the features:
- OpenSource, installed on your own server;
- as a result, you can finish it for your own needs, expand the functionality;
- real-time tracking of visitors (now it seems to have also appeared in GA).

kavich, 2011-10-12

Indirect use of the metric:
We found out that some of the visitors follow “all” links, including those that were hidden. It turned out that they were robots - we cooperate with firms to attract traffic. There is also indirect "evidence": the periodic repetition of the IP mask with such strange clicks. Now the circumstances are being clarified.

kavich, 2011-10-12

Webvisor: search for elements that are clicked but not clicked. In other words, search for interface errors.

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