coderisimo2015-12-15 10:13:46
coderisimo, 2015-12-15 10:13:46

What are the nuances in setting up memcached?

I'm trying to use memcached for prestashop. I installed and configured everything, turned it on in prestashop and ... the result is in the picture,
as some of our ... helmsmen say. There is growth! The growth is negative (the result of caching on the left) (. Of course, I want the opposite effect. Any thoughts on what can be looked at for improvements? I really counted on an increase in speed and a decrease in the load on the server. But in fact, everything slows down.
The memcached config is like this:
PS and more... can you explain what it is?it looks a bit strange .

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1 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-12-15

Well, you cache all the pages in the memcache and you will have a positive growth

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