Flasher2014-08-05 15:58:04
Flasher, 2014-08-05 15:58:04

What are the Java tips services?

What are the Java tips services that you read daily? Well, for example, the level of habry, smashmag. Share links. Preferably EN language.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Kononenko, 2014-08-05

You are welcome

FanKiLL, 2014-08-05

www.journaldev.com - very good articles about patterns and a lot of good stuff. They do not publish often, but there is already enough information.
www.javacodegeeks.com - Publish almost every day something, sometimes even too much.
tutorials.jenkov.com - A friend publishes a lot of tutorials, he has a lot of java.
www.mkyong.com - Posts quite often How to..

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