Roman2016-07-11 23:51:45
Roman, 2016-07-11 23:51:45

What are the alternatives for Gulp, Grunt?

We are going to implement one of the tools for code minification, compression, automation of script deployment tasks.
I've been tasked with researching and providing an overview of popular tools while I've only read about gulp and grunt.
What other tools would you recommend to consider?

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2 answer(s)
Deodatuss, 2016-07-12

if you build modular js , with all sorts of whistles like dynamic module loading, then webpack. if it's just cancatenation, minification and other autoprefixers, then gulp.

Egor Nevedov, 2016-07-11

Since you'll probably end up with gulp (it's faster), note that it has a grunt task compatibility plugin. That is, there is not much sense in grunt after that.
I don’t know any more alternatives, but I think there really aren’t any - it all depends too much on popularity - the activity of the community.

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