NewDevLab2020-08-09 16:50:49
NewDevLab, 2020-08-09 16:50:49

What are some good practices for remote WindowsUpdate?

I'm trying to use the PSWindowsUpdate module. But it’s somehow hard with him, then there aren’t enough rights and he wants a system, then something else. I so understood, it is necessary Invoke-WUInstall that the task in a sheduler was created, but something is not created and to check the status of the installer - also denied.
The local script is also naughty, only Get-WUList works fine.

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1 answer(s)
MaxKozlov, 2020-08-10

I had no problems with this module if I had local admin rights.
In general, all modules work approximately the same. There, eventually, the creation of dcom objects is inside, install in it can only work when the object is created locally - therefore, you have to run it through the scheduler. Otherwise double hop classic is obtained

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