Dmitry T.2014-01-25 03:12:38
Dmitry T., 2014-01-25 03:12:38

What are open HelpDesk and Service Desk systems similar to Request Tracker?

I am looking for analogues of Request Tracker.
Who uses what?
What do you like and what do you not?
So far, only Liberum has been found.
update: Under Linux and MySQL
update2: Has anyone used OTRS?.. Where did you use it, what are your impressions?

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3 answer(s)
soroktu, 2014-01-25

It is worth at least describing why you are looking for analogues, which does not suit RT. If you just need a list of issue trackers, then go to Google / Wikipedia, there will be a much larger list than what you can get here in the form of answers. OSTR is more difficult than RT in implementation and maintenance, IMHO. In general, it all depends on the requirements, and you did not provide many requirements.

Vitaly Barilko, 2018-04-01

From the open ones, you can look towards solutions for 1C.
IT Management
There's more to it than the bare Service Desk, there's a lot more that can come in handy.

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