Dwellss2020-05-29 17:10:40
Dwellss, 2020-05-29 17:10:40

What are analogues of The Bat?

I spent 19 years with The Bat :) For the last 5 years, the software seems to cause more irritation than pleasure from using it (primarily due to the fact that gmail does not work without wild dances with a tambourine, and there is no support both by mail and on the forum).
What are the analogues for Windows? The task is to work with 15-20 accounts, the usual routine mail check by the user.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-05-29


Dimonchik, 2020-05-29

there are not so many of them, but for theBat fans in general xs is there
1) classic: Outlook (the problem of growth and not opening the file with mail seems to be solved and has been irrelevant since 2013)
2) Schaub is not microsoft and nashara: Thunderbird
3) clean to the client - the built-in EssentialPim is enough for me - but there are a lot of them, xs what it has outstanding, I use it only for notifications about new
ones, well, look here
, I think it’s easier for you to deal with gmail, it’s unlikely there is something insurmountable, they are not idiots

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