airbor2019-04-23 06:03:32
airbor, 2019-04-23 06:03:32

What applications use multi-core on a MacBook?

Here are performance tests for single core, there are tests for multi core. They write that there will be an increase in multi-core tasks, but no one writes what these multi-core tasks are.
Is 50 tabs running in a browser multi-core?
Is video editing on iMovies multi-core?
Just running ten applications in parallel - multi-core?

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1 answer(s)
nrgian, 2019-04-23

For typical tasks, 2 cores are enough. With a margin.
Video editing uses multiple cores only when rendering the result. And even then not always.
Dozens of applications never run in parallel (unless you artificially run them in such modes). Dozens of applications "sleep", waiting for you to interact with them.
Browsers are no exception, at least 100 tabs.

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