DeadKing2019-04-01 20:11:50
DeadKing, 2019-04-01 20:11:50

What animation components are used on the site?

Hello everybody.
Please help me in which direction to move and what components or js libraries are there to use animation on the site. The task was to make a visually cool and animated site like this http://www.progroup.pro .
I'm not a front-end worker, I specialize more in the backend, but the task has been set and it needs to be implemented. Therefore, I would be very grateful if you tell me by what means this can all be implemented.

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3 answer(s)
yarovikov, 2019-04-01

I would collect this with the help of tweenmax. The fastest and most convenient way.

Sergey Kotov, 2019-04-01

vue js

siarheisiarhei, 2019-04-02

tympanus.net/codrops/ .... this, from there
something similar

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