BadCats2017-07-06 22:59:47
BadCats, 2017-07-06 22:59:47

What am I doing wrong when creating dependency property in wpf?

I have a MainWindow.XAML file
- in which I create my own control called ControlBrush

              CanvasBrushCLR="{Binding ElementName=canvas1, Path=Background }">

using the MyBrushClass class,
here I include it: I
give this control the name x:Name="NewBackground"
Next, I access the CanvasBrushCLR CLR property,
here it is in the MyBrushClass class:
public double CanvasBrushCLR
            get { return (double)GetValue(CanvasBrushProperty); }
            set { SetValue(CanvasBrushProperty, value); }

and as a value I use a binding (Binding) to the canvas1 element on the form and its Background property
As for the CLR property that I use for binding, I use it when registering the CanvasBrushProperty dependency property
public static DependencyProperty CanvasBrushProperty;//имя поля
static MyBrushClass()
            CanvasBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CanvasBrushCLR", typeof(double ), typeof(MyBrushClass));
            //CanvasBrushCLR -ИМЯ CLR обвертки 
            //typeof(Color) - тип свойства зависимости
            //typeof(MyBrushClass) - класс в котором регистрируется свойство зависимости

Well, on the form I have two buttons and, accordingly, event handlers for them:
MyBrushClass mb;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

          mb = new MyBrushClass();
          canvas1.Background.Opacity =  mb.CanvasBrushCLR; //обрабатываем binding

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            mb = new MyBrushClass();
            mb.CanvasBrushCLR = (double)Convert.ToInt32( TB1.GetLineText(0));

As you can see in one of the event handlers, I write the value from TB1 to the CLR property - TextBox on the form - i.e. I enter a string into the TextBox , and when the button is pressed, it is converted to double and assigned to the CanvasBrushCLR property.
But, when in another button I want to assign canvas1.Background.Opacity to canvas1.Background.Opacity with the already "initialized" CanvasBrushCLR property, I get an error:
Cannot set object property '#FFFFFFFF' because it is in read-only state
- although both Opacity and CanvasBrushCLR - have get and set access methods.
I specifically look at it in such detail to demonstrate that I seem to have figured out the dependency properties - that is, I have a rough idea, but I can’t fully understand where the error is.

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1 answer(s)
lam0x86, 2017-07-07

Most likely your canvas1.Background is Brushes.White. This is a singleton, and it is in the Frozen state (IsFrozen == true property), that is, it cannot be changed. Try specifying "#FFFFFF" instead of "White".

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